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We are redefining the Las Vegas cannabis experience. We partnered with our communities to realign social justice and equity reforms. We redirected focus on employee safety and consumer education. We will reignite the hospitality industry and reinvent the future of entertainment. Together we RESET Las Vegas.

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As Managing Partner at consulting firm, RESET, Christopher LaPorte brings his nightlife and hospitality experience to the cannabis industry. The Rutgers College graduate made his mark in 2011 when he opened the INSERT COIN(S) video game lounge in Downtown Las Vegas. Earning multiple local business awards and features in Bloomberg Businessweek and Entrepreneur Magazine, Chris is focused on the authenticity of culture and the normalization of the cannabis community, the same way he brought the video game world to light in Las Vegas.

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Scot Rutledge managed the 2016 ballot advocacy campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol in Nevada and continues to service clients through the implementation of cannabis laws and regulations. His efforts as the lead lobbyist on the 2021 Nevada law that established cannabis lounges and his work with local jurisdictions to implement lounge ordinances has established him as a leading voice on social use policy.

As Managing Partner at RESET, Scot continues to focus on building a more inclusive cannabis industry that leads with innovation and a focus on consumers. With a 20 year career working in advocacy and politics, he has proven time and again that groundbreaking change is his expertise. In addition to his work with RESET, Scot is a partner at Argentum Partners and is the Board Chair for HopeLink of Southern Nevada.

© 2017 RESET LLC.

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